Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

i think you're assuming that a lot of ps3 owners know who gabe newell is, which i think is something of a stretch. I really dont think that makes that much of a difference except to the hardcore/dedicated gamers who pay attention to the gaming press.

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dear lord - look at all the trolling fanboys...this is why this site is doomed - 360 news gets posted, ps3tards swarm all over it like vultures round a corpse. Ps3 news gets posted, xbabies squeal.

Please just enjoy the games and stop the pathetic trolling

6097d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

please everyone take this fanboy idiots bubbles away.

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

make that 20 ignores. Fanboy moron.

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

umm - so what the heck is LBP anyway? Heard loads of ps3 owners raving about it but so far i've not actually heard anything about what it is, or whats so special about it....

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not had any problems at all, apart from it being a tad slower than normal to log in...

6098d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

please dont be a fanboy moron.

6100d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

taking the emotion engine out was a no-brainer to be brutally honest. Backward compatibility for a lot of games is irrellevant, and for a few isolated classics, its only worthwhile until the replay value dies or the new-generation titles take their place. Although i am pleased i got an early 60gb model with an emotion engine in case i feel like playing god of war 2 :O)

Congrats to sony for reducing the cost so quick - the initial cost estimates for the console were terrifying (...

6100d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

at last - an article that actually reflects what most 360 owners are thinking!

I have an hd-dvd drive for mine, with 3 movies, and quite frankly i couldnt care less if i didnt buy another for it. Doesnt mean my 360 is any less of a gaming platform, which is what counts.

6100d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i completely agree with you, but i do hope you're wrong. I am surely not the only person to whom the stupid "have your own house/living room" malarkey of home really doesnt appeal. I hope and pray that any attempt by sony to replicate the achievement system provided by Live leads to something related to in-game content, not some stupid digital home furnishings.

6100d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

where you see "stealing", please see "plagarism is the most sincere form of flattery".

Besides, lets be very honest here - scores in games have been around since pong, and unlockable achievements have been around in games for years in a variety of different forms. All m$ really did was standardise them across the games on their platform. To be honest, i prefer when they grant you unlockables - i spent ages trying to get the hyabusa armor in halo 3, when ther...

6100d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the title of this story is completely incorrect given the text of the actual story - its pure flamebait as it is and should not have been approved.

6100d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you're misunderstanding my point. I am not disputing that the ps3 could in all probability catchup and overtake x360 market share in 2008. It has a very strong brand behind it, massive list of features, a number of potentially good high profile releases, and if hd-dvd goes the way of the dodo, plays the only marketable format of hd disk based movies. You're suggesting i have in some way questioned its potential to sell units above and beyond that of its competition. I havent at all (i...

6101d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

silly question, but did the ps2 really make that much of a difference to mass adoption of dvd's (this isnt me questioning the facts, i'm curious really)? me and many people i knew already had dvd players well before the ps2 really started gaining momentum, so its effect really werent that apparent.

Not only that, but the majority of people i know would be loathe to use a ps2 for dvd playback (both a few years ago, and now) due to its relatively poor picture quality, normally be...

6101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo is an easy target for the fanboys, so unfortunately people wont stop going on about it. Any game hyped as much as halo was, and the key IP for percieved closest competition is always going to be a target for those people who really couldnt spot a coherent argument if one slept with their sister.

It also divides opinion more than a lot of games. People who like it absolutely love it ( i personally havent had as much fun in an online game, well, ever ) and people who hate it...

6101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

tanod is one of the most utterly insane dribbling fanboy morons i've ever come across - his comments on n4g are about as reliable as george dubyah's comments about iraqi wmds.

what in gods name, in reality, has hd-dvd got to do with the success of the x360, other than it happens to be supported by the same company? NOT ONE BIT. The xbox is marketed far more at gamers - hell, in the uk there hasnt even been a single commercial for the hd-dvd addon - shows how important it is, ri...

6101d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

making a profit on the consoles themselves is a bit of a tall order isnt it? the last couple of generations, thats been rare for at least the first 3-4 years of a consoles life - i would have thought this would be even more pronounced for the ps3, given the development costs of the cell chip and the very high manufacturing costs associated with bd disks, at least initially...

6101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're proof there should be some sort of vetting done on people being allowed to post here. You are a complete and utter moron, whoes comments have no basis in fact whatsoever. (Aka fantard)

"Down every day for the past month" - so how have i been playing on it then?

No-one actually wants or needs to hear from you. There is nothing wrong with liking your ps3 more than you like a 360, but when you spend time commenting like that, people question your ri...

6101d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well said. its a shame it takes people having to buy both a ps3 and a 360 to be able to come out with decent opinions on this site now.

Bubbles for you sir.

6103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have owned warhawk for 3 months and have had connection errors at every attempt to play a game, and as yet i have not managed to connect to one. I am perfectly willing to accept i am doing something wrong, but i cant say i ever had the same problems with any game on live.

6103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment